
Call function in a non-blocking way.


Call a server function

After making updates on the client, call a server function to update the database. In this example, we don’t care about the return.

from anvil_labs.non_blocking import call_async

def button_click(self, **event_args):

def update_database(self):
    # Unlike we do not wait for the call to return
    call_async("update", self.item)

If you care about the return value, you can provide handlers.

from anvil_labs.non_blocking import call_async

def handle_result(self, res):
    Notification("successfully saved").show()

def handle_error(self, err):
    Notification("there was a problem", style="danger").show()

def update_database(self, **event_args):
    call_async("update", self.item).on_result(self.handle_result, self.handle_error)
    # Equivalent to
    async_call = call_async("update", self.item)
    async_call.on_result(self.handle_result, self.handle_error)
    # Equivalent to
    async_call = call_async("update", self.item)


Call a function repeatedly using the repeat() function. After each interval seconds the function will be called. To end or cancel the repeated call use the cancel method.

from anvil_labs import non_blocking

i = 0
def do_heartbeat():
    global heartbeat, i
    if i >= 42:
        # equivalent to non_blocking.cancel(heartbeat)
    print("da dum")
    i += 1

heartbeat = non_blocking.repeat(do_heartbeat, 1)


Call a function after a set period of time using the defer() function. To cancel the deferred call, use the cancel() method.

from anvil_labs import non_blocking

pending = []

def do_save():
    global pending
    pending, saves = [], pending
    if not saves:
    anvil.server.call_s("save", saves)

deferred_save = None

def on_save(saves):
    global pending, deferred_save
    # we could also use deferred_save.cancel() but we start with None
    deferred_save = non_blocking.defer(do_save, 1)

# calling on_save() repeatedly will cancel the current do_save deferred call and create a new one


call_async(fn, *args, **kws)
call_async(fn_name, *args, **kws)

Returns an AsyncCall object. The fn will be called in a non-blocking way.

If the first argument is a string then the server function with name fn_name will be called in a non-blocking way.


Blocks until the AsyncCall object has finished executing.

class AsyncCall

Don’t call this directly, instead use the above functions.

on_result(self, result_handler, error_handler=None)

Provide a result handler to handle the return value of the non-blocking call. Provide an optional error handler to handle the error if the non-blocking call raises an exception. Both handlers should take a single argument.

Returns self.

on_error(self, error_handler)

Provide an error handler that will be called if the non-blocking call raises an exception. The handler should take a single argument, the exception to handle.

Returns self.


Waits for the non-blocking call to finish executing and returns the result. Or raises an exception if the non-blocking call raised an exception.

property result

If the non-blocking call has not yet completed, raise a RuntimeError.

If the non_blocking call has completed returns the result. Or raises an exception if the non-blocking call raised an exception.

property error

If the non-blocking call has not yet completed, raise a RuntimeError.

If the non-blocking call raised an exception the exception raised can be accessed using the error property. The error will be None if the non-blocking call returned a result.

property set_status



Cancel an active call to delay or defer. The first argument should be None or the the return value from a call to delay or defer.

Calling cancel(ref) is equivalent to ref.cancel(). You may wish to use cancel(ref) if you start with a placeholder ref equal to None. See the defer example above.

repeat(fn, interval)

Repeatedly call a function with a set interval (in seconds)

fn should be a callable that takes no args. interval should be an int or float representing the time in seconds between function calls.

The function is called in a non-blocking way.

A call to repeat returns a RepeatRef object that has a .cancel() method.

Calling the .cancel() method will stop the next call repeated call from executing.

defer(fn, delay)

Defer a function call after a set period of time has elapsed (in seconds).

fn should be a callable that takes no args. delay should be an int or float representing the time in seconds.

The function is called in a non-blocking way. A call to defer returns a DeferRef object that has a .cancel() method.

Calling the .cancel() method will stop the deferred function from executing.